Wednesday 24 July 2013

Character Questions 3...

   Sorry for the delay readers but I am finally getting to finish the character questions for you :) Here, I will be focusing on appearance and their futures, hopefully covering a lot on what you should do to help get to know your character completely.


Skin Colour:
Eye Colour:
Hair description: (long, short, brown, ginger etc.)
Face: (Thin, round etc.)
Do they resemble anyone?
Clothing Style:

Present and Future:

   The character's present and future is just as important as their past. We'd have no story if you didn't look forward as well as at the now! ;)

Biggest Fear:
What they want most in the world:
Biggest lesson to learn in their life:
Personal Dreams:
Team Dreams (If they don't work alone):
Most important goal of their life's journey:
Hopes for the future:
Any secrets to keep?
Any secrets to be broken?
Friends/Enemies to be made:
Friends/Enemies to be lost:

   So, here are what I think are the most important questions to ask your characters to make them believable and develop through your story. Hopefully it'll be better than going through thousands of questions and prompts when all you want is the essentials :)

~White Ravens~

Sunday 21 July 2013

Walks for Inspiration and Writer's Block...

   On the same topic as my last post, inspiration has popped up again. I have recently started a new story (I know it's really bad of me since I've got so many ideas on the go at the minute ;) ) that I thought up whilst walking around Newstead Abbey, one of my favourite places to visit. It's so beautiful and peaceful that it's hard not to let your mind wander and pick up some new stories :)

   My new idea is fantasy and involves one of the most interesting and fearsome mythical beings; dragons. I've created some of the main characters and settings and I'm really excited because I actually really love these people and can't wait to write their story :)

   Another reason for this post is a way I used for this story when writer's block appeared quite early on. It's the bane of every writer but unfortunately most of us experience it from time to time. I wrote the first paragraph and then I was stuck already.

   Rather then just staring at the screen for hours or putting off writing for a while, I used a tip that I got not too long ago and that was to just write something you feel like writing. As long as you try and write a little everyday, it's OK to leave the first chapter halfway through and go onto the next. If you feel like you have a burning idea for that part of the story, go for it! You can always come back later and fill in the gaps when you feel more motivated to finish it.

   It's not a crime as long as you finish what you've started once you feel up to it. Another way this is helpful because you know how that chapter will lead onto the next easily by already writing it's end.

   So, if you hit writer's block, start a new small project, such as a poem or short story, and get inspired or write the next chapter whilst you wait for the first to unravel itself in your mind. :)

   I'm going to share another photo with you because creativity is in words and pictures and can be found everywhere :)

~White Ravens~

Friday 19 July 2013

Pictures for Inspiration...

   Along with writing, one of my favourite hobbies is photography. I love nature and to capture a beautiful moment, like a sunset or a first smile, is wonderful. I use a lot of my photos in my writing too. They create covers, trailers and the places they show provide immense inspiration for every piece. Here is a small collection of pictures that inspired 'In Need of an Adventure', which is available for reading on my Movellas page and on the official World Book Day YA app. Hopefully they inspire you to go out and capture life in words. :)

~White Ravens~

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo!

    This July is the summer session of Camp NaNoWriMo and I am participating! For those unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it is a website encouraging novelists to write 50,000 words over the month of November. During April and July, they hold a more relaxed session where you can set your own word count, meet other writers in your own cabin as well as many other camp-fire activities. It's really fun and rewarding.

   I completed NaNoWriMo last November and, although I felt like giving up towards the end when illness struck, I finished with an hour left to spare and was over the moon. Really, writing 50,000 words (even though it was most likely dribble with no editing or re-reading...) in a month is a great feeling. I'd recommend you all try it :)

   It's not too late to enter this July session. The weather is hot and you may be tempted to avoid it but the encouragement you gain and the results are immense. If you want to find out more, here is the camp homepage:

   I look forward to seeing some of you there :) Until next time :)

~White Ravens~

Thursday 4 July 2013

Divergent by Veronica Roth Review

   My second review is of the book Divergent by Veronica Roth, a YA dystopian fiction :)
   I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post again. Thankfully exams are all over (FREEDOM!!!) and now I will probably have more time to myself to read, write and post :)




  This book really keeps you on the edge and I love female leads kicking butt ;) I read it every day to try and finish it, but I've only given it four out of five because I didn't want to read it every second of everyday.Yes, I did finish it quite quickly but it didn't captivate me so much that I wanted to get to the end within an hour. I'm very picky with my 5/5s :)

Who I think it's for:


   Although it can get rather bloody and contains a few kissing scenes, there's no adult themes so I would say it's for 13+. It is a young adult book so, obviously, that is the main target market but I'm sure many adults would love it too, with it's strong and fresh characters, interesting plot and important themes. If you love sci-fi and dystopian fiction that this is for you. I'd say girl's would be drawn to it more but it has enough action to appeal to both genders.

"We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.” 

Plot Summary:  


   In a dystopian future where Chicago is split into five factions representing specific qualities important to their citizens: Amity for the peaceful; Abnegation for the selfless; Candor for the honest; Erudite for knowledge; Dauntless for bravery.

   It is sixteen year old Beatrice 'Tris' Prior's turn to choose. Torn between staying with her family or changing for her own future, she decides upon her faction, shocking all, and is hurtled into their grueling initiation trials. Juggling friends, love, having her life on the line as well as coming to terms with being 'Divergent', a secret underlying her city could change everything they ever knew.

The Character that stood out most:


   Caleb Prior, 'Tris Prior's brother, stood out a lot to me. He, too, makes a shock decision at the Choosing Ceremony, which he took at the same time as 'Tris, but appeared as a very determined character. However, what really made him stand out was how much he changed throughout the book.

   In the sequel, 'Insurgent', he is obviously easily manipulated by the 'Faction over Blood' message that every child has had drilled into them from birth. Under this manipulation, he does something completely unexpected, which really disappointed me about the book. I knew that the society had misled him, but I have my own sister so I don't understand why he would do what he did. (I don't want to give anything away so that is all I will say about the matter)

   We'll have to wait for the final book, 'Allegiant', to find out why Caleb took this abrupt turn.

Why I read it:


   Dystopian fiction for young adults are all the rage now so naturally I was drawn to the book. I remember one of my friends recommending Veronica Roth as a good author a while back, so when I saw the name in a book shop, I thought I'd give it a go :) It had gained good reviews and I also saw that it would become a film next year, so I wanted to read it before I saw it.

Why you should read it:


   It had me hooked from the beginning. It has something for everyone, with action, love, friendship and trying to find yourself in a difficult world, which everyone can relate to. It's great for teenagers and I would recommend it to anyone. If you want to see the film, I think you should read the book first because I like to know what's going on and how it differs :) It's a very popular book amongst YA readers too :)

   Well, that's my second review done :) I will get to writing the remainder of the character questions soon. Leave your thoughts in the comments :)

~White Ravens~

  The final installment of Veronica Roth's best-selling series, 'Allegiant', is out October 22nd, 2013 and the 'Divergent' film release is in 2014 - 21st March 2014 in the USA.